Staying Healthy

Tips To Keep Your Dog Healthy

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Many times this condition is a result of boarding the dog at a kennel, groomers, or the vets where the dog is around other dogs,. Normally giving him plenty of water so he does become dehydrated and a couple days rest will cure this. If the infection lasts longer, this is a more serious problem that left untreated, can result in complications. At this a trip to the vet is a must do for proper treatment.

When dealing with worms and other parasitic issues, these are going to need to be diagnosed and treated by your vet. He or she will do a blood work-up and narrow down exactly what the problem is for proper treatment with medication.

If you suspect a parasitic infection always take a stool sample along for the vet to examine. It might be a simple case of worms and can be treated easily. It also might be a more serious condition requiring the dog stay at the vets for a few days until the condition has gone away.

The best way to keep your dog disease and parasite free is with careful observation on your part, and regular visits to the vet for required vaccinations.

Does your dog suffer from an illness? Please tell our readers about this and how it is treated in the space below.

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  1. Avatar Of Ninz Ninz says:

    It’s a really nice post specially for pet lovers. I am a pet lover and I have a pug too.I know how much the health of your pet matters to you. Thanks for posting such useful information.

  2. Avatar Of Clarissa Clarissa says:

    I recently just went through a worm infestation and it is not fun! I feel lucky to have caught it before it got serious and as unpleasant as it is, the only way to be sure is looking at their stool. Luckily my pet health insurance company covered all the vet costs for Oscars checkup and medicine and he was as good as new in a couple of days!

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