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VIDEO: Blaze the Husky Says ‘NO’ to Kennel Time (Really!)

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Blaze, and 11-month old Husky from New Hampshire despises going in his kennel so much that he’s learned how to say “No!” when it’s time to go inside it.

Check out the hilarious video below to see Blaze go completely limp and hear him clearly say “No!” when his owner, John Ventresco tries to nudge him.

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  1. Avatar Of Carmen Tismanar

    carmen tismanar


    Cîinii sunt o specie foarte deșteaptă,inteligentă,adorabilă și foarte sinceri și credincioși stăpînilor !Așa cum oamenilor le place să fie liberi,respectați și înțeleși tot așa și acestor magnifice și superbe suflete le trebuie libertate,respect și înțelegere,Iubesc cîinii și detest pe cei care nu respectă viața și creaturile lăsate de DUMNEZEU pe pământ !

  2. Avatar Of Sally Sandler Bitan

    Sally Sandler Bitan


    I hope to God you didn’t force that dog into a kennel.

    • Avatar Of Carol Sullivan

      Carol Sullivan


      I hope that you let that sweet dog lay on the floor! The kennel probably does not let him stretch out.

  3. Avatar Of Paula



    Geeez . . . . that is just to adorable. what a sweet boy. 😉

  4. Avatar Of Esa



    Love this! What a sweet baby

  5. This is one of the best Husky responses ever! He isn’t verbose, just firm in his convictions that there will be no kennel! Love it! There is a Husky in our neighborhood who gets very articulate! Wish I could catch it on video!

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