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VIDEO: The Amazing (& Surprising!) Benefits of Swimming with Your Dog

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Amazing shot of Stella diving for her toy! Credit Michael Baugh/Michael's Dogs Training & Behavior, Houston, TX.
Amazing shot of Stella diving for her toy! Credit Michael Baugh/Michael’s Dogs Training & Behavior, Houston, TX.

Summer heat has us all thinking about fun and safe ways to stay cool with our dogs.

Let’s not compare misery, but I live in Houston. The heat here is wet, as in “step outside and take a nice hot sip of air.” The thing is, I’m also a dog trainer and self-professed behavior geek. So, I’m always looking for fun activities to share with my dog, Stella. Just not outside, not in this weather.

We have a saying down here in Texas (maybe they say it where you live too). It’s good to have a swimming pool. It’s even better to have a friend with one. Lucky for Stella (Canis Aquaphile) and me, we’ve got just the friend.

I called Lisa Goebel at Rummy’s Beach Club and we loaded the car. Before you ask, I’ll answer. Yes, Rummy’s is a swimming resort just for dogs. And yes, it’s awesome. That’s just how we roll down here. And roll we did on up to Spring, Texas. “Bring the camera,” Lisa said. And, I obliged.

It turns out swimming’s not just a whole lot of fun. It’s great for your dog physically and mentally. And if you’re looking for an amazing relationship-builder with your dog, nothing beats getting out of your element for a while and enjoying a swim together.

Check out the video of our day together.  C’mon!  The water’s great.

Guest Blogger Michael Baugh CDBC CPDT-KSA teaches dog training in Houston, TX. He specializes in behavior related to fear and aggression.  Michael appears regularly on KHOU Channel 11 News in Houston and WFAA Channel 8 News in Dallas. He writes for several blogs including his own,



  1. Carrie Boyko

    Jun 27, 2014 at 2:00 pm

    Tanner was wagging his tail and watching this with me, as we saw you and Stella enjoying the pool. You probably already know that Tanner’s favorite activity is swimming, and fetch in the pool is his favorite game.

    What I really wanted to comment on, however, is the pool filter note you mentioned. Here in Florida, everyone with a dog that swims uses this solution to prevent pool pump death by dog fur: panty hose knee socks in the filter basket. It’s a cure-all for catching all things small, including dog fur. I buy boxes of 10 and they last a few weeks at a time. Wrap the opening over the top of the basket and secure with a large rubberband. Viola! No more dog hair in the filter.

  2. Kerri

    Jun 26, 2014 at 11:04 am

    This looks so fun!
    I have two golden retrievers who LOVE the beach and have no fear of the water. But, when I comes to our pool they’re scared to go in. We have wide, circular corner steps and they’ll stand on the top step but seem afraid to make the leap into the pool.
    I’ve tried luring them with treats and their favorite toys – no luck. I’ve invited other dogs who jump in and swim thinking that would show them his fun it is, but they just stand on the top step and steal the toy that dog retrieved on her way out.
    We purposely built a concrete, salt water pool so it would be dog friendly but it remains dog-less.
    Do you have any tips on how to encourage my girls to come play in the pool?
    Thank you!

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