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We Could Be Heroes: Dogs Singing for a Cure

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Cancer is quickly becoming the leading cause of death in adult dogs, with 1 in 4 being killed by the disease. So, a dedicated group of dogs (and one talented cat) came together to sing for a cure!

Their heartwarming video for We Could Be Heroes was produced by the Ontario Veterinary College’s Pet Trust charity, a group dedicated to finding a cure.

Pet Trust is urging animal lovers to help “keep cancer on a leash,” by donating to their cause.

Help to fight pet cancer and donate to the Ontario Veterinary College at Purina will match every dollar you give to Pet Trust, up to $125,000.

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  1. Avatar Of Linda Spyhalski

    Linda Spyhalski


    Lost my Blue to Cancer! Best Springer Spaniel ever! Such a sad ending to a wonderful life. Thanks for all you do!

  2. Avatar Of Macy Billiot

    macy billiot


    i lost my prissy to fast acting cancer

  3. Avatar Of Linda R

    Linda R


    I lost my beautiful blue dobie girl Nala Sapphire 10 days after her 10th birthday to bone cancer in her left front ankle joint..It came up and took her so quickly…Even though it has been 9 years,I sit here in tears as I write this,with her 11 year old son lying beside me.. He just got a very clean bill of health and vet said she wouldn’t think he was older than 9…my dogs have eaten dry food all their lives,been vaccinated,eaten everything they say not to feed them and do great..We had a lab/spaniel mix from 8 weeks to the rip old age of 16….must be doing something right..we also had a dobie boy Yukon who was 12 1/2 when we lost him….

  4. Avatar Of Donna Casella

    Donna Casella


    Oops… I see you already thought of that! Bought the song and made my donation in memory of our Cocoa who is 16 and on her last paw. She will stay with us as long as she is not in pain, eating, and playing with her siblings. We’re doing our best to make her last days happy ones.

  5. Avatar Of Donna Casella

    Donna Casella


    Im gonna make my donation now. You should also sell the single on iTunes!!!

  6. Avatar Of Lila Lila says:

    There are cures for cancer, right now. For humans and for pets. At least one therapy is being used successfully on pets. That is therapy is IV vitamin c. An IV drip of C turns to hydrogen peroxide in the blood, adding oxygen to the environment. Cancer cannot survive in an oxygenated environment. My vet has been using this on several dogs in his clinic with success.
    As someone posted above, changing your pets diet can also get rid of cancer. Feed your pet a diet as close to a wild diet as possible. This means no grains, starches or refined foods. Raw bones, meat and organs are the best for cats and dogs. Stay away from dry food (unless it’s dehydrated or freeze dried meat) since it’s filled with unnecessary carbs. The same for canned food. Pets thrive on their natural diet.
    There are other cures for cancer for humans, but I don’t know if they can be used on pets.

  7. Avatar Of Carolyn



    I think this is a awesome video and a wonderful cause. I’ve lost three dogs to cancer in the last two years.

  8. Avatar Of Connie



    This is a beautiful video. My Husky, Kiska is in an ongoing battle with nerve sheath tumours. He also has the most gorgeous Husky song I’ve ever heard. Here’s to fighting cancer and winning!

  9. Avatar Of Deborah Wall

    Deborah Wall


    Great video! We are in the fight of our lives right now… since May of this year. My airedale, Nick, was diagnosed with Stage II oral melanoma. After trying everything conventional in veterinary oncology – we took a chance to try Neoplasene treatment back in September. It was our last shot. Nick is melanoma free today at his 3 month recheck. I am all for wiping out the occurence of cancer in the first place for our dogs, but I am also getting to be one of the biggest advocates asking traditional vet oncologists to get real with the possibility that Neoplasene is a very effective option to offer even though I know chemo and radiation seems to be their top treatment choices. Give Dr. Fox a chance to offer his case studies for serious consideration, so that more dogs and owners can have more time and quality together. Thanks for a wonderful video! – Deborah Wall, Pompano Beach, FL.

  10. Avatar Of Tina



    You’d better stop vaccinating your dogs and feeding them overprocessed dry foods like Purina than collecting money for cancer research. Zero vaccination and BARF are the only cure.

    • Avatar Of Connie



      How does the BARF diet protect your dog from things like distemper and heartworms?

    • Avatar Of Gina



      Incredible ignorance. I work for a rescue and we lose dogs to parvo due to non-vaccination every week. Vaccines don’t cause cancer, please stop demonstrating your incredible ignorance to immunologicy and disease vectors on a post designed to help animals.

  11. Avatar Of Tara



    i am so very sorry, sean. losing a child with fur is horrible, no matter how they leave us. such a deep hole in our hearts as we remember all that made them such a big part of our lives!
    God’s comfort and peace….until there is no longer a need…..

  12. Avatar Of Sean Hess

    Sean Hess


    We Lost our beautiful Carley to osteosarcoma.

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