Weird & Wacky

Woman Catches Neighbor’s Dog Sneaking Over to Ride Her Pony Late at Night

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Caught in the act! A rural Missouri pony parent came home from a late night McDonald’s run just in time to capture hilarious video of her neighbor’s dog… riding on her pony’s back!

Dog Riding Pony

“I can’t make this stuff up!!”

That’s what 22-year old Callie Schenker, of Halfway, Missouri posted on Facebook after coming home one night to find the neighbor’s dog riding her pony.

Just… just watch:

Schenker said she’d just returned from a late night run to McDonald’s when she pulled into the driveway and spotted the unlikely friends having a play date.

“So we pull back in our driveway tonight and this is what we see. This is not our dog! But apparently him and Cricket the one eyed wonder pony are best friends. I’m stealing the dog, new circus act!” she captioned the video.

Naturally, a flood of internet skeptics weighed in, which prompted this response:

“The dog didn’t get hurt! No the dog is not abused at his home, he just likes to travel the rural area we live. Cricket is fine, he lost his eye along time ago in an incident that had nothing to do with the dog! I DID not put the dog on the pony!”

The dog, a Corgi belonging to a neighbor Schenker says she doesn’t know well, is a regular visitor to her home. She often finds the pup after he’s snuck into her own dog’s doggy door and helped himself to their food bowls.

“I’m really glad everyone got a good laugh out of it — if they got a laugh from the actual dog, or a laugh from my laugh,” Schenker told the Springfield News-Leader. “I’m glad it’s something happy this time instead of something sad in the news.”

After a flood of friend requests and animal lovers begging to see more of the fantastic furry duo, Schenker created a Facebook Page for Cricket and Pals to keep in touch with adoring fans.

If we’ve learned anything from this video, it’s when you have pets, always have your camera at the ready!

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