Weird & Wacky

Woman Wakes Up to Find Intruder Snuggled Up on the Dog Bed with her 150-Pound Mastiff

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A Wisconsin woman had the shock of a lifetime when she awoke on New Year’s Day to find a grown man snuggled up in the dog bed with her 150-pound Boerboel, a South African Mastiff.

When she awoke on the couch, where she’d dozed off watching New Year’s Eve celebrations on TV, Waukesha, Wisconsin resident, Lynn Sarver, was startled to find an intruder passed out on the living room floor, snuggled up alongside her dog, Benton, in his bed.

“Normally when somebody walks by or somebody comes in the house, he does a lot of barking,” Sarver told local ABC affiliate WISN of her 150-pound mastiff. But, for some reason, when this stranger walked in through the front door and laid down in the dog bed, Benton decided to sneak a snuggle with the intruder instead.

Sarver and her roommate rushed to the kitchen to grab a knife before calling police. When they arrived, they learned the 24-year old man, who lives just a couple doors down, had stumbled in after 3am, too drunk to realize he’d entered the wrong home.

“It seemed like he was just an inebriated, nice young man, and it was an honest mistake,” Sarver told WISN. But, “seeing somebody sleeping with my dog was … weird,” she added.

The inebriated intruder was apologetic and, rightfully, embarrassed, confessing that he had no recollection of events after about midnight. He later learned that a friend had dropped him off at Sarver’s front door where he simply walked in and passed out on the nearest comfortable spot – right next to Benton.

Looking back with a laugh, Sarver says it did inspire one New Year’s resolution – to lock her doors!

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