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Wow! This Shelter Dog is Allergic to Humans!

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Adam Has A Very Unique Allergy! Image Via Lucky Dog Retreat.
Adam has a very unique allergy! Image via Lucky Dog Retreat.

We’ve heard plenty about people being allergic to dogs – but a dog that’s allergic to people?

That’s the case with a very special Black Lab named Adam. Desperately in need of rescue, Robin Herman and her staff at the Lucky Dog Retreat Rescue in Indianapolis took Adam into their care.

After putting him on the very best food, getting rid of all fleas, and twice weekly baths in a special shampoo, Adam still wasn’t improving like they’d hoped. He was still suffering with severe allergies and itchy skin.

So, Herman took him to the vet for some bloodwork. The results were quite shocking!

Turns out, Adam is allergic to people!

“Humans? I thought (the veterinarian) was kidding, she said just like we can be allergic to dogs, he’s allergic to human dander,” Herman explained to WRTV 6.

Herman says that while many before her gave up on Adam, she and her staff and Lucky Dog won’t give up. She says he’s smart, knows several commands, and is a great young dog.

Now, thanks to his unique diagnosis, Adam will finally get better. Just like humans, Adam will get allergy shots made from a special serum.

If you would like to help Lucky Dog Retreat or get more information about how to help Adam, click here or visit

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