Awesome Stories

Woman Wrapped Dog Up Like a Baby & Smuggled Her Into the Hospital for a Visit

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Knowing her sick grandmother was desperately missing her dog, Patsy, a California woman wrapped the dog up like a baby and smuggled her into the hospital for a visit.


Shelby Hennick, a 21-year old veterinary technician from Santa Maria, California, was devastated to learn that her grandmother had an adverse reaction to medication and was lying nearly paralyzed in the hospital.

With a very close relationship with her grandmother, Shelby wanted to do whatever she could to help her feel more comfortable during her stay. When her stay reached 3 days, Shelby knew exactly what her grandma needed to feel a bit better – a visit from her 13-year old dog, Patsy!

Unfortunately, dogs aren’t allowed in the hospital, so Shelby had to get creative.

She stopped by her grandma’s home on the way to the hospital and picked up the little dog to begin her covert mission.

With the small dog cradled in her arms and covered with a baby blanket, Shelby slipped past hospital staff and smuggled Patsy into her grandmother’s room and onto her lap.

“Patsy was quiet the whole time, she actually kept licking my arm. I’m pretty sure one of the nurses had her suspicion but she walked away! Thank god!” Shelby wrote on Twitter.

“My sister had a baby about a year ago so I think my grandma thought it was him because when I walked in she went “Ohh you brought the baby” and then I put Patsy down on her lap and she was so surprised! Patsy kept crying and couldn’t get close enough.

“I was really happy we were able to pull it off, and I’m sure it made her day.”

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  1. I just saw your post about bringing Patsy to visit your Grandma and I love your story but after reading your post my roommate and I would both say ahhh. That's the most beautiful thing we have seen for a long time.

  2. Avatar Of Kim



    Patsy was the best medicine she could ever receive. Great job! You both probably made her feel better, more than any medicine the hospital could of given her.

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