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Chinese Gov’t Says “We Will NOT Halt Production of Chicken Jerky Treats”

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Since 2007, thousands of concerned pet owners, some grieving over the sudden, unexpected deaths of their dogs, have been petitioning the FDA, manufacturers, and retailers to recall certain brands of chicken jerky dog treats imported from China.

Despite official warnings to consumers by the FDA and the efforts to inform consumers of the dangers of feeding these treats, thousands more dogs continue to become sick, even die, from the treats. However, because an exact contaminant has yet to be identified, the FDA is unable to enforce a recall.

It seems that no one, including the Chinese government, is willing to accept responsibility for these dangerous dog treats, and they continue to fly off store shelves and into the mouths of unsuspecting family pets.

Recently, California Bay Area Congressman Jerry McNerney wrote to the Chinese government asking them to “consider halting production of these chicken jerky treats until the FDA can determine whether or not the products contain tainted material.”

ABC7 News reported that the Chinese government finally responded to the Congressman, claiming innocence and slamming the Food and Drug Administration for blaming China for the illnesses.

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  1. My dog died in May, 2012 after eating just TWO pieces of Waggin’ Train Jerky Treats. I had no idea they were dangerous. The manufacturers will do nothing, the FDA can’t do anything and our only real hope is to pressure the stores to stop selling them. Please join this cause:

  2. Avatar Of Sue



    Ever since this sad tale came out, I read ALL labels for ANYTHING i buy for my 5 dogs. Just because it may say Distributed by whatever co of whatever city & state it is not saying where it was manufactured. I will never buy anything that is not made in the USA for them.

  3. Avatar Of Emi



    I, too, have been concerned about the chicken jerky from China and the ones made in the US are very expemnsive, so I made my own and my dog loves them. I cut chicken breasts when they are frozem, so I can cut thin, baste with molasses, then bake in a 200 oven for 1 hr and remove and put into my dehydtator for 4 to 6 hrs more. Supposedly, you can just keep in the oven at 200 for 2 to 3 hrs, but I happened to have dehydrator. It’s wonderful relief,knowing my dog’s jerky treats are safe. There are lots of jerky recipes on the web. Try it. It’s easy!

  4. Avatar Of Bob Shoe Bob Shoe says:

    Two vets said my once healthy 5 year old Australian Shepherd died last year from eating Purina’s Waggin Train Chicken Jerky. It was bought at Costco and I spoke with the VP who is responsible for bringing in this poison. There is nothing he will do because it is one of Costco’s most profitable items. Another dog at the dog park we used to go to also died from the chicken jerky treats made in China.

  5. Avatar Of Esther



    I don’t buy treats anymore made in China. I now buy treats made in the USA.

  6. Avatar Of Dan



    If my dog gets sick and dies because of some Communist s*** from China, I think it’ll be time to start nuking them. Just kidding, of course 🙂

  7. Avatar Of Stephanie Stephanie says:

    It is easy to make your own jerky treats with your meat of choice and a dehydrator. That way, you KNOW what your dogs are eating! I dehydrate treats for my two girls all the time.

  8. Avatar Of Nina Benton

    Nina Benton


    I no longer buy the turkey jerky treats, which my dogs loved. I don’t buy any dog food or treats from China, if I am aware that is where it is from. I buy the jerky that is for people. My dogs don’t mind eating people food. It isn’t any more expensive than the turkey jerky for dogs.

  9. Avatar Of Beth



    I do not buy anything for my dogs that is made in China. NOTHING! They are stand offish and do not care about our pets and what happens to them.

  10. Avatar Of Arlene



    Nothing made in China would pass my dog’s lips Their morals in relation to dogs and probably most animals, leaves a lot to be desired.

  11. Avatar Of Lori



    It does not matter the cost of the product you HAVE to read the labels closely! Most “store brand” treats are HORRIBLE full corn, wheat and by-product let alone that many of those are MADE IN CHINA! If you can’t afford treats with ingredients that are fit for your animals, then give them small pieces of carrots or apples.

  12. Avatar Of Jackie



    I do not use Milo’s….very expensive. Even with a coupon, knowing what it can do to my dogs…I won’t be purchasing it. I buy the store brand jerky treats which my “kids” like and less expensive.

    • Avatar Of Roann



      Milo’s treats may be expensive but they are great treats for dogs. That being said, the chicken treats are made in China. The beef treats are not; they are made in the USA. Why the difference? Anyones guess. I buy the beef treats only. My dogs love them. I don’t buy any chicken treats for them, no matter where they are made. And I buy nothing for them that has “Made in China” on the label. (Actually, I don’t buy made in China for my human family either, if I can.)

      • Avatar Of Kelsey



        Uhh.. Milo’s is one of the main brands killing dogs. Milo’s is NOT a good brand. I would be interested in knowing who fed you this ridiculous information?? The main culprits are of course waggin train, canyon creek ranch, MILO’S, dogswell, vitalife. Maybe YOU should also educate yourself before proclaiming a treat is safe. If you love your dog, don’t buy ANY chicken jerky.

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