Green Living

Dog-Friendly D.I.Y: Recipes to Deodorize Your Home

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From wet dogs to puppy accidents, dogs can create some less-than-fresh smells. Of course, a candle, handy plug-in air freshener, or standard cleaner may do the trick, but may not be the safest of choices. Instead, use these dog-friendly D.I.Y. recipes to freshen your home!


Many cleaning products are known to be a common source of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) which can be dangerous to both humans and animals. That said, you’ll want to think twice before you use a traditional cleaner to rid your house of dog smells. 

To help you deodorize your house safely, below TurboTenant has outlined some effective natural cleaning solutions using dog-safe essential oils.

1. Dog Odor Freshener

When your furry friend fills the house with their unwanted smells, this pet odor freshener can come in handy. All you need to create this recipe is the following:

  • 12 drops of lavender essential oil
  • 2 cups of water
  • 3 tablespoons of rubbing alcohol
  • 1 spray bottle

Once you’ve gathered these ingredients, all you have to do is mix them in your spray bottle and spritz the necessary smelly surfaces. Don’t be afraid to spray your solution liberally for those tougher-to-get-at smells. 

Furthermore, if your dog’s bed is in need of a cleaning, there’s a simple solution. Just powder baking soda onto the bed and let it sit for a decent amount of time. Afterward, vacuum up the baking soda and your pet’s bed should be good as new. 

2. Carpet Refresher Solution

Sometimes, your carpet can house the worst pet odors. Especially if your new puppy made an accident, you’ll want to bring out the big guns. In this case, this carpet refresher solution is the way to go.

For this cleaning recipe you will need:

  • 1 cup of baking soda
  • 1 tablespoon of ground cinnamon
  • 1 shaker container – an empty and cleaned parmesan cheese container works great!

Mix your ingredients together in your shaker and you will have a powdery solution that can negate any annoying carpet smell.  Simply sprinkle your cleaning remedy onto the carpet, let it sit for about an hour, vacuum it up, and your carpet will smell like snickerdoodles — perfect for the holiday season.

3. Simmer Pot Air Freshener

After you’ve finished cleaning any smelly messes, an air freshener can be the perfect way to fill your home with new, pleasant aromas. Ditch the common plug-in fresheners and try this natural simmer pot recipe to push out old pet smells in no time at all. All you need for this recipe is:

  • 1 sliced orange
  • 1 sliced lemon
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 2 cinnamon sticks
  • 4 whole cloves

Toss your ingredients into a pot on the stove, fill the pot about halfway with water, and heat the mixture on a low setting. Let your solution sit for the day and add more water as needed. As the ingredients cook, your house will be filled with a pleasant, seasonal aroma.

While our furry friends can bring unwanted smells into the house, there are natural solutions to deodorize your room. Using the above recipes, you can keep your house smelling good while keeping you and your pets safe from harmful chemicals found in traditional cleaners. For more natural deodorizing remedies, check out this infographic below.

ref=’’>Natural Remedies To Deodorize A Room

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From wet dogs to puppy accidents, dogs can create some less-than-fresh smells. Use these dog-friendly D.I.Y. recipes to freshen your home.

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1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Avatar Of Gladis Arita

    Gladis Arita


    I’m wondering if some of the ingredients like lavender, cloves, peppermint, etc. are pet safe just because when I look up those ingredients a lot of research says those are toxic to dogs.

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