Celebrity Pets

Dog Gone Good Time Wedding

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Have you heard about the most expensive ever, world record, dog gone good time wedding?

Triumph the Insult Comic Dog recently hosted the most expensive ever dog wedding hosted at the Jumeirah Essex House Hotel at Central Park, New York City. Held as fund raising benefit for the Humane Society of New York, the grand total came to $158,000 and change. This set a new world record and has been listed as so in the Guinness World Book of Records under the category of the most expensive Pet Weddings.

According to an article on the Fashionista.com website, the cost was $250,000 (either way: expensive!):

The cost of the ‘puptials’? A whopping $158,187.26, according to the AP (the New York Daily News is reporting the cost at $250,000….)

The bride is a white Coton de Tulear breed named Baby Hope Diamond. The bride was originally to be Lucky Diamond, a famous Maltese dog in her own right, but she passed away recently. Actress Wendy Diamond adopted Baby Hope after her beloved Maltese passed away.

The groom is a Poodle from Richmond, Virginia named Chilly Pasternak. According to sources at this dog gone good time wedding, Chilly was not all that excited about the nuptials but like a good doggie went along anyway.

No expense was considered out of line for the event as it was black-tie only with a professional lighting crew, celebrity wedding planner, and well known chefs for the reception goodies. The very expensive luxury items and services were kindly donated while the attendees bought tickets for the Manhattan located fundraiser. A company co-owned by celebrity Ellen DeGeneres presented the “pet food” buffet for the canine attendees.

Lucky Diamond already was the proud owner of the Guinness World Book of Records award for the most photographed animal, with over three hundred photos taken with well-known celebrity personalities. Included among these are photos with hip hop rapper Snoop Dogg and actress Kristen Stewart.

Animal activist Wendy Diamond was heard to say she should be considered as “the Maid of Honor” for this most expensive ever dog wedding!

I am sorry I could not attend such a worthwhile event as I am sure all involved had a “dog gone good time”, and the money raised will be used to help provide for our animal friends.

Have you ever attended a dog gone good time wedding? If so, share the experience below with all our readers.

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