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Hero Dog Saves Sleeping Family From Devastating House Fire

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Roxanne, A 6-Year Old English Bulldog, Is Credited With Saving Her Family'S Lives. Image Via 12News/Scott Dalrymple
Roxanne, a 6-year old English Bulldog, is credited with saving her family’s lives. Image via 12News/Scott Dalrymple

A family dog is now being hailed a hero after saving her family from a devastating Long Island house fire early Monday morning.

At about 1:30am on Monday, 24-year old Kevin Herlihy was asleep in bed with the family dog, a 6-year old English Bulldog named Roxanne, when she began barking inconsolably.

When he awoke, the Herlihy’s 2-story house was on fire. Kevin quickly awoke his parents, who were also asleep, and the family – including Roxanne – escaped the blaze without harm.

It took about 50 firefighters, using 7 firetrucks, nearly 90 minutes to bring the blaze under control.

If not for Roxanne, the family believes, they would not have escaped the burning home in time.

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