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Show This To Your Boss: Looking at Cute Puppies Makes You a Better Employee

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Researchers at Hiroshima University have uncovered what we knew to be true all along – looking at pictures of cute puppies (and other adorable baby animals) can make you more productive at work.

Well, that is, if your job requires accuracy, precision, and carefulness.


The study, called The Power of Kawaii: Viewing Cute Images Promotes a Careful Behavior and Narrows Attentional Focus, states:

Results show that participants performed tasks requiring focused attention more carefully after viewing cute images. This is interpreted as the result of a narrowed attentional focus induced by the cuteness-triggered positive emotion that is associated with approach motivation and the tendency toward systematic processing. For future applications, cute objects may be used as an emotion elicitor to induce careful behavioral tendencies in specific situations, such as driving and office work.


In other words, looking at images of precious baby animals (we’re partial to puppies ourselves) evokes an emotion that something is delicate, fragile, and meaningful – all feelings that translate to better performance at work. Especially in jobs that require careful attention and focus.

So, next time you head to your accountant for quarterly tax time, or visit your physician for a surgical procedure, bring along that cute puppies calendar hanging on your wall and have him flip through it for a moment. Can’t hurt, right?


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