RALPH Speaks

Kiss A Puppy Today

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Hey it’s Ralph and I’m going out and giving kisses and licks to every puppy I meet.

It’s because it’s National Puppy Day.

The way I think of it…

God sent little angels of love to the world called puppies.

They teach us how to love.

Love a puppy today.

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If you love puppies, click the like button and share this with a friend.

You can even use the button below to email them and let them know it’s National Puppy Day.

Aw, they’re so cute!

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1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Avatar Of Lesinda Lesinda says:

    Personally, I don’t think you can teach your dogs the difference betewen baby and dog toys because to him, toys are toys and they look the same. I would just keep the baby toys in one area and the dog toys in another. It may settle a little confusion. Sooner or later the dog will catch on: my toys are over here and the baby is over there playing with hers . Any time you see him trying to play with the baby’s toys, correct him. Hope i helped atleast a little. Also, you may want to let the dog/baby play at the same time but in different areas. This way the dog won’t take the baby’s toys and vise versa.

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