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Loyal Dog is Fighting for his Life After Protecting 7-Year Old Girl from Rattlesnake

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A loyal, loving, and heroic German Shepherd is struggling to survive after risking his own life to save his best human friend, a 7-year old girl.

When the DeLuca family recently rescued Haus, a 2-year old German Shepherd, they couldn’t have imagined that one day soon, the dog would be rescuing one of them.

Haus was in the backyard of his Tampa, Florida home with 7-year old Molly DeLuca and her grandmother on Wednesday afternoon.

“She saw him jump back, and go forward, and jump back and go forward,” Molly’s mom, Donya DeLuca explained to FOX13. “He was just, kind of, holding his ground.”

Haus had stepped between Molly and an Eastern Diamondback rattlesnake headed toward her, quite possibly saving the girl’s life.

The brave and loyal pup continued protecting his best friend, even as the rattlesnake continued to strike, biting him three separate times. Today, Haus is still in the veterinary hospital where he’s receiving a steady drip of antivenin to counter the huge amount of venom the snake injected as he stood his ground.

“I feel really grateful for the dog,” said DeLuca. “It is frightening to think it could have been my daughter. I don’t know if she would have made it.”

The DeLucas are trying to remain hopeful, but are afraid their hero won’t make it. They’re doing everything they can to bring him back to health.

“I feel like I owe it to him to keep trying to save him,” DeLuca said.

The family set up a GoFundMe page to help pay for Haus’ growing veterinary bills, which, they said already reached $10,000 Thursday evening.

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1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Avatar Of Grace Brown

    grace brown


    Did he recover, I pray

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