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The Search for Darla, a Young Boy’s Missing Therapy Dog

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The Northeast Ohio community of Canton Township are banding together to find a very special dog. Darla, a 6-month-old German Shepherd, is the therapy dog for the Myers’ family’s son, “DD.”

Darla is a therapy dog to DD, who is autistic and has a speech delay. Because of the special bond they share, Darla has encouraged DD to finally begin speaking. “She helped him learn how to say things like ‘dah dob Darla,’ and that was ‘good job Darla,’ or ‘dop it’ or ‘dit down’ for ‘sit down’ and she helped us think of really creative ways to encourage him to want to say things, and at first he was scared of her and then they became good friends,” said Melanie Myers, the boy’s mother.

But, on December 27, Darla ran away from the family’s backyard to chase another dog that was loose, and they haven’t seen her since. Now, DD and his family are desperate to bring their dog home. “She’s part of the family, you know.  Whatever it’s gonna take,” said their father.

The Myers have offered a $500 reward to anyone that can bring their dog home to them. And, as Darla continues to be missed, members of the community are stepping forward to help, to the amazement of the Myers who recently moved to Canton Township from their former home in Pennsylvania. A local groomer has added a $500 donation to a dog therapy program when Darla is found. And, a local German Shepherd breeder has offered the family another puppy to continue DD’s therapy, in the event that Darla doesn’t return home.

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  1. Avatar Of Cynthia



    hope he finds Darla

  2. Avatar Of No Name

    No name


    I stumbled across this today march 17th, 2013..
    My girl friend and I bought a house, (in the area, in November 2012) and wanted a German shepherd. On January 16th, we got a female from the canton pound.
    she was a prominently 7 mouths old, German shepherd.
    She also is Darla. the pictures look identical, To my new dog.
    Also I got her from the pound just weeks after.
    she was in the pound about a week before I got her.

    In conclusions, I believe I own your lost dog now.
    Don’t worry shes at a great new home.

  3. Avatar Of Sunshine100



    Within one year, here in Washington DC metro area, thieves took, or found and kept, police dogs. If you can’t keep a police dog safe from thieves, who can? So, please don’t beat yourself up. Dogs are dogs and act like dogs do–run & run & run. Here in northern VA, a person’s dog was missing and he set up a webpage specifically focused on his dog including a photo. Everybody who responded to his website was linked to those who had read the webpage. Reading the links was almost like listening to a police radio. Dog was found on 3rd day (in woods) about 1 mile from home.

  4. Avatar Of Linda Cooper

    Linda Cooper


    I think that it should be a huge fine and felony to take a therapy dog!

  5. Avatar Of Shannon Jones

    Shannon jones


    There is a gorgeous Shepard at the mobile shelter that looks an awful lot like her please check!!

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