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VIDEO: Hero Dog Saves Four-Legged Friend From Icy Waters

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When a dog fell through the ice and into the frigid waters of the Andalusua water treatment plant in Andalusia, Illinois, it was his four-legged friend that came to the rescue!

As one dog watched his friend cling helplessly to the ice, he began running around and barking to get the attention of nearby plant workers.

“I’d left for lunch,” plant worker Joe Dungan told ABC57 News. “I came back and when I came back from lunch the one black dog was running around and tried to get my attention. I looked over in this hole over here and the other dog was in the water trying to get out, so I called 911.”

“I think he was trying to tell me something, he was saving his friend, and I kept telling the dog that it would be alright, that we were getting help as quick as we could,” said Dungan.

Rather than wait for help to arrive, plant workers launched a flat-bottomed boat out to the large hole in the ice and pulled the dog to safety.

When pulled to safety, plant workers, along with Animal Control who had arrived on scene, wrapped the shivering dog in a blanket and put him inside a heated vehicle to warm up. He was then taken into custody by animal control who will search for his owner.

The other dog, the first of many heroes that day, ran off after his friend was pulled to safety.

Both dogs were wearing collars, but neither had identification tags.

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