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VIDEO: Heroic St. Bernard Saves Family From Gas Leak

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It was about 2:00 in the morning when Dory, a 160-pound St. Bernard began whining and pacing around her human’s bed, refusing to let them sleep.

No matter what her human dad did, Dory simply wouldn’t calm down. That’s when Dory’s dad, Jack, noticed the smell of gas.

He discovered that a burner on the stove had been left on low, filling the home with natural gas.

Thanks to Dory’s persistence, the family made it safely out of the home. Firefighters explained that the family were very lucky. In a worst case scenario, the house could have exploded.

The family are crediting all of their pets – Jack recalls, in hindsight, that the family cats were restless and meowing loudly, too – but gives most of the credit to Dory.

They plan on rewarding their four-legged hero with a nice, big steak!

Good girl, Dory!

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