Heroic & Inspiring

VIDEO: This Scared Dog Just Needed a Hug!

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This adorable Maltese shelter dog, Edie, was scheduled to be euthanized by the Lancaster shelter where she resided. What appears to be aggressive behavior from this 10 pound little girl is simply extreme fear – this scared dog just needed a hug! Watch how a little love and care from some truly compassionate dog-lovers instantly changes little Edie from a panicked  shelter dog to a sweet, playful pup.

Next time you’re considering adopting a new family member from your local shelter, remember this video. What may appear to be a fearful, aggressive dog could just be in need of a little love to be the perfect pet – just like this scared dog just needed a hug!

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  1. Avatar Of Anita Bartell

    anita bartell


    What started out a very sad video became a happy one for Edie. How do people treat dogs like that. That poor dog was scared out of her skin.

  2. Avatar Of Ida Apollonio

    ida apollonio


    this i watched ,did make me cry..why would anyone ever abuse a animal .the guy was so good with this dog .god bless him . my dog dakotah died last month ,i had to put her down . she had all her shots ..everything vet cked ..she had colitis ,it was controled ..took years ,always cked ..took care of her ,we did everything together..im lost without her i dont know she had lyme ..blood test came out neg .. something hit her pancreas ,there were no signs of it .then 2 days drinking alot of water ..im thinking diabetis ..got her to the emergency room ,she had a seisure..turns out blood was coming from her lung ..i still cant believe this , i hada moment to do the right thing she was a collie ..sweetest dog ,everyone loved her ,i swear she hid this from me ,no signs at all..i could detect 1 2 days and gone ..im grieving ,i hurt..i miss her ..when the time come agian i will consider a dog that never had love ..if his i can do for dakotah…ida

  3. Avatar Of Robin Robin says:

    I volunteer with Northwest Boxer Rescue, and I am amazed at how forgiving dogs are of humans. Even when a dog has been horribly abused, neglected and never experienced human contact…It appears in the video that Eddie warmed up to the vet/vet tech quickly. I know the foster boxers sure warm up to and bond to their foster parents quickly.

  4. Avatar Of Kathy



    I cried like a baby. We had to put our mini schnauzer to sleep at the age of 11 yrs. It broke my heart and I miss him so. I really wish I could talk my husband into another dog.

  5. Avatar Of Sharon



    One of my Lhasas was like that. I thought it was a breeder and turned out to be a puppy mill (the state shut them down 2 years later). Rubin bit me, actually his tooth ripped my wrist open. Bad. My ex wanted him put down, I refused. Needless to say we are divorced now.

    I needed to love the hell out of him and learn his triggers. He bit me many times after that.

    Now, is is a happy, healthy 6 year old that is the most loveable friend I’ve ever had. It took patience, but we won.

    Thank you for sharing the video…I did cry.

  6. Avatar Of Gale Rowland

    Gale Rowland


    My husband and I took in a rescue German Pinscher because my husband was working late nights and there had been serious crimes around our neighborhood. Our little boy took over as protector and we thought he was so cute, but weeks after Hurricane Rita he proved he was truly our protector. My husband suffered a stroke two days after Rita and 8 weeks later we returned to our city but had to move into a FEMA mobile home in a large park. For exercise my husband was supposed to walk our dog, he left one morning and just two doors down a pit bull attacked, our Zack slipped out of his harness and kept the pit bull at bay til help arrived. My husband was very shaken and upset, Zack was bitten, ripped and bruised, took 37 stitches to put him back together. My husband died a couple years later and to this day Zack looks for him through the window, needless to say I will be Zack’s forever Mom till he has to leave me to be with his Dad.

  7. Avatar Of Chenoa Miller

    Chenoa Miller


    When I went to the shelter to find a new dog after my 11 year old died of cancer most of the dogs were at the door of their cages wagging their tails and barking. Then I saw one who was cowering at the back of her cage and thought “this one needs someone to love her.” The shelter staff told me that she was about 10 months old and had been picked up as a stray, no other history. When I first got her home she was very timid and hand shy, she didn’t like to be touched. That was in 2008 and as I type this she has her muzzle on my knee demanding attention. What a difference a little TLC and patience can make.

  8. Avatar Of Rosemary Hayne

    Rosemary Hayne


    I have 2 rescue dogs; one a cockapoo that was similar to Edie 5 years ago when I adopted her. Poor baby didn’t have any idea how to act like a dog. The glare of the sun was too bright for her at first as she had never experienced the beauty of the outdoors. She had been in a puppymill and her front legs had been shaven so they could tie her down when attempting to breed her. After giving up on her, she had been surrendered to be put down; evidently, she had no worth…..she was so scared and just kept shaking uncontrollably.

    After much love and reassurance, she has become a beautiful affectionate little girl. I can’t say enough about the joy of giving these rescued four legged babies the life they deserve…..

  9. Avatar Of Susan Black

    susan black


    what a terrific video….I am also the proud owner of a rescue dog…a beautiful cairn terrier we call Scooter….He was a 50th birthday present for me almost 6 years ago…in two weeks i will celebrate a birthday and the great joy he has brought to my life….he is the perfect fit for my husband and i and has always been like he has been with us forever…

  10. Our dogs Baby, a border collie and Powder, a Westie are true family members. Though people told us that these two breeds are difficult to undertake, we have the perfect union. Powder, being a companion dog is happy to be with us all the time and, yes, she gets plenty of love and attention. Baby, the independent one, guards the farm and keeps all of us safe. She has a superiority complex for sure, and gets plenty of throws and exercise, so when she comes home at sunset she is ready to settle in, satisfied that she has done “a good job”. We couldn’t be happier with our two best friends.

  11. Avatar Of Cheri Roberts-Brooks

    cheri roberts-brooks


    God bless you all and mostly eddie. sooo glad she has found her forever home! i just dont know what id do without my furbaby. hope you have a happy life eddie!!! you deserve it for sure!!

  12. Avatar Of Cheryl Shepherd

    Cheryl Shepherd


    I, too, have a rescue dog that I found in an ice storm, 4 yrs. ago. She is so precious and she too just needed a hug. Sandy is so spoiled and really knows what love is. She is only 24 pounds and loves to ride in the car with me. Thank you so much for sharing your story of Edie!!!! Great job!

  13. Avatar Of Jewell Tosta Jewell Tosta says:

    My hubby and I adopted a lab mix 4 years ago, the dog was 10 months old and had never had a collar or a leash on. After we had him home for a few days noticed everytime I would raise my hand he would run and cower, seems like he was hit or beaten, he didn’t know what being loved was. Everyone said we should get rid of him cause he was worthless, cause he is afraid of strangers, but he is not worthless to us. Now he knows what being loved is and he gives us love in return. I don’t understand how anyone can abandon or abuse these creatures from God.

  14. Avatar Of Barbbcute



    I started watching with tears and ended with cheers.

  15. Avatar Of Siara Delyn

    Siara Delyn


    Awwww…. it’s so easy for the poor and oppressed (of any species) to come off poorly. You gave her a chance and she responded. What a sweet video. Thank you for sharing it.

  16. Avatar Of Betty Ann Betty Ann says:


  17. Avatar Of Diane



    my malitse 10yrs and Biscon are my ‘girls’ Hannah died in Jan. at 11yrs her sissy and I still miss her sole searching eyes, and unconditional love. she understood when my husband died and because my crying towel!
    . We get comfort from knowing we love them like our children and did all possible to save Hannah. Abbi is getting over loosing her sissy with lots of love and attention. And with help from her ‘cousin’ Fristet – another rescue.

  18. Love that dog. I got real weepy watching the video. There are so many dogs in the shelters that only need a little attention, and a hug to make them wonderful pets. I have 3 rescue dogs. One is a 10 lb maltese/pomeranian mix that was about to be euthanized. He was picked up as a stray because his owners put him out and moved away. My dogs are the love of my life…..next to my daughter and grandchildren.

  19. Avatar Of Ash



    Thank you!

  20. Avatar Of Joan Morgan Joan Morgan says:


  21. Avatar Of Teresa



    What a great video. I DID cry, but I’m glad it has a happy ending! I hope Edie has a forever home by now.

  22. Avatar Of Brenna



    Edie was originally rescued by Eldad Hagar with Hope for Paws. She is at her forever home. UPDATE: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dOmDmSrW33w
    Donate to Hopeforpaws.org, any amount helps, to help continue rescuing animals in need. I did and it was the best feeling 🙂

  23. Avatar Of Sara



    Having adopted a one-eyed shelter dog I can share one more reason for such behavior….matted hair….it HURTS! And when we hurt we are not at our best. After they took Lacy in for a grooming she was so much more gentle because she was much more comfortable and out of pain. She had one mat on top of her head that looked like a large hat. I nearly cried when I saw what it really was and all the garbage shaved off of her. Bless everyone who adopts, fosters or donates what they can to shelter animals and shuns puppy mills except to help shut them down. Kisses to you Edie ♥

  24. Avatar Of Michael



    This sweet little pooch reminds me of a dog my wife and I took in, Gus. He was almost as scared as poor Edie. You are doing wonderful work – please keep it up.

  25. Avatar Of Michelle Mroberts

    michelle mroberts


    happy endings always make me cry….love the furkids

  26. Avatar Of Betty



    Love the video. Really loved the music! What was it???

  27. Avatar Of Jackie Pierce

    Jackie Pierce


    OMG…I cried and cried for Edie, but also for all the other dogs that are overlooked in the shelter and euthanized. Can’t wait to see them at the Rainbow Bridge and give all of them lots of love including all my dogs I’ve had all my life…Thank goodness for people like Brownyne who are compassionate and understanding…Thank you so much!!!

  28. Avatar Of Jules



    Such a wonderful piece!!!! ;}

  29. Avatar Of Anita



    having volunteered in a shelter in british columbia i sat in the kennels with the dogs that were up for adoption and watched their hearts sink when they were passed by. i am proud of the fact that i was responsible for getting 5 dogs adopted while i was there. i rescued a golden when i came back to the u.s. having 4 goldens previously i wanted another after losing my husband and last golden in 10 months of each other. if they could only speak to us and tell us what happened to them and that some workers have the patience that this one had to help this poor baby. too bad there aren’t more cesar milans around

  30. Avatar Of Pam Lavender

    Pam Lavender


    I’m so glad this wonderful little dog was rescued. There’s no telling what she had been through to make her so scared, but just a little love and compassion, returned her to the GREAT dog that she was , before the sad events in her life. Thank you so much for sharing this video with us.

  31. Avatar Of Christie christie says:

    This was tear jerking, tears of happiness though….

  32. Avatar Of Teresa



    this is awesome i cried looking at it i have a maltease that was 11years old feb 26 an he is my baby wish i could take all animals in need or abused i am a big animal lover will do what ever it takes to help any animal may god bless all animals teresa driver

  33. Avatar Of Kathy Spaeth Kathy spaeth says:

    That was awesome and beautiful. I adopted a dog once that was terrified of people. He would pee if someone came near him. He eventually got better but was still leary of men. Yes all they need is some love. All my dogs are from shelters. I think sheltered dogs are the best.

  34. Avatar Of Miriam C Chappell

    Miriam C Chappell


    I don’t understand people who will abandon their animals. I would like to thank all who saves an animal. I have 10 dogs, yorkies and Jack Russell. I love them all. Each has their own very special personality.

  35. Avatar Of Alisa Howard

    Alisa Howard


    Did you find out if Edie has two brothers?

  36. Avatar Of Linda James

    Linda James


    What a wonderful dog Edie is. As any responsible dogs human family knows doggie hugs are just as good for their human companions (I hate the word “owner”)as they are for the dogs. So glad Edie was saved. What a terrible loss that would have been.

  37. Avatar Of Judy



    I love a happy ending!

  38. Avatar Of Brandy Arnold

    Brandy Arnold


    Chasta, I don’t have much information beyond what’s in this article now, but I’ll do a little digging and see what I can find. How cool would it be to reunite Edie with her brothers!
    I’ll let you know if I find anything.

    • Avatar Of Sandy



      Well? Any connection? I used so many Kleenex for this video. THANK YOU for sharing. How could anyone not love the pure innocence of dogs. I looove Edie. If she ever needs a home again, she has mine here in New Orleans. I’d be honored for her to adopt me.

  39. Is this from Lancaster, CA? How old is Edie? I think we have two of her brothers from the same litter. The looks and actions (after the hug) are unbelievably similar and we rescued them from a woman in Lancaster, CA. If you have any information could you please e-mail me? If Edie is still in need of a family we’d like to be in the running.
    Thanks so much-

  40. Avatar Of Jen



    Beautiful video! Brought a tear to my eye. I’m so happy Edie found a good home with a great dog owner! Thanks for sharing with us.

    • Avatar Of Donna Howard Donna Howard says:

      this video brought tears to my eyes too. We recently had to put one of my beloved dogs to sleep forever. She had cancer. She was becoming more and more painful just to walk so at the age of 10 1/2 she went to doggy heaven We have a shelter dog that we got at the age of 7 she is now 10 years old and she loves to be hugged which we do alot. I feel so bad for so many dogs waiting to be adopted and in need of loving homes. I plan on adopting another dog from our shelter once we find a house. We live in an apartment now. The shelter dogs are so mournful at the shelter and they need love so bad!

    • Avatar Of Crystal



      i think the shelters should be more one on one with the dogs there is no reason they shouldnt love those animals as if each was there own…

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