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WATCH: Pizza-Stealing Dog Starts Fire in Connecticut Kitchen

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Waterbury, Connecticut resident Gary LeClerc captured surveillance video showing the exact moment his dog, a 2-year-old black Labrador named Brookfield, snuck a few nibbles of pizza from on top of the oven and started a fire in the kitchen.

LeClerc shared the video with NBC Connecticut explaining, “my wife and I are really trying to use this video for educational purposes as well as entertainment since it is both funny and eye-opening.”

Luckily, the fire was only burning for a few seconds before Gary rushed in and doused the blaze with a glass of water. However, it’s frightening to think what could have happened had the family not been home at the time.

Gary hopes his video will not only entertain its viewers (who doesn’t love watching a sneaky, pizza-thieving dog?), but will make them think twice before leaving food within reach of counter and stove surfers that could accidentally ignite a fire.

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