Behavior Mod.

Why is My Dog Ignoring Me?

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A common problem many of us face with our dogs is their tendency to ignore the commands we give them. Although this can be bothersome at times, showing anger will only reinforce their unpleasant behavior. Always keep in mind that dogs sometimes create relationships according to fear or to the feelings of being threatened, instead of acknowledgment and true respect.

Reasons Why Dogs Disobey

1. He just doesn’t understand you. Dogs normally respond more strongly to the tone of their master’s voice as compared to his actual words. Contradictions between your tone and your command may cause to get confused with what exactly you want him to do.

If you tell Fido to sit down as you giggle and playfully push him, he would most likely associate the “sit” command to a fun, active game. As much as possible, do not ask your pooch, but tell him to do something. You don’t need to yell or demand- just be clear enough that what you saying is an order. Keep your orders short and not too alike. In addition, try using hand signals in giving your verbal commands since dogs tend to better react to gestures.

2. Your pooch is ignoring you. There are times when dogs disobey not because they don’t get you, but because they just choose not to listen. It is important that at this point, you are able to recognize that your pooch actually understands the exchange but just does not intend to obey.

You can tell if Fido’s only being a little headstrong by looking into his body language. If your pooch shows fear by avoiding eye contact, assuming a submissive posture with his ears back and tail tucked, then it most likely means they he simply does not understand. However, if your dog barks at you, makes direct eye contact, and runs away as you move towards him, then it is possible that he simply chose to refuse to comply. This instance suggests that you need to work on establishing yourself as the leader.

Quick Tips

  1. Always try to sound happy and excited when you use the “come” command.
  2. If you can, try to squat or kneel down as you call him.
  3. Praise Fido each time he performs what you wanted him to do.
  4. Praise him when your dog comes to you even without you calling for him.
  5. Never call your pooch only to give punishment or to do anything unpleasant such as clipping his nails.

Yelling at your pooch and chasing after him are the worst things that you can do if he ignores you. Your aversive reaction can break his spirit, and that’s certainly the last thing that you’d ever want to do to him.

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  1. Avatar Of Andi Lee

    Andi Lee


    What is it then, when the dog sits at attention while turning his head away from you?

  2. Avatar Of Pat Robards Pat Robards says:

    A dog can ignore you if stressed out by too much trigger stacking at clubs or in the environment so ignoring may go much deeper. Read emotional. 🙁

  3. Avatar Of Kayla



    I have a beagle who used to ignore me from time to time. At first I thought he was just being stubborn, and to some extent, I was right. He was a very well-behaved dog, but not in the sense that he could do tricks. He liked to chill. After a while, I just let it go (because he wasn’t misbehaving) and eventually he started to approach me more. He just wasn’t the type of dog who liked to do commands (sit, stay, come, roll over, shake) but since he was so calm and quiet, I just gave up and let him be. I learned that my dog was somewhat of a loner. He was happier just laying around and chewing on his bone, than doing tricks for treats. He wasn’t mean to other dogs or people, more disinterested. He would let people pet him for a moment, or dogs sniff him for a minute, then wander off. When things would get chaotic (guests in my home) he would go into the sunroom and lay on his bed until everyone left. This is just a instance from my personal experience and to me, if your dog is otherwise well behaved (doesn’t excessively bark, doesn’t jump on people, housebroken, doesn’t chew on things he/she isn’t supposed to chew) then let them be.

  4. Avatar Of Joywtenessee



    My Husky used to ignore me before he was fully trained. The praising and rewarding worked to get him trained and to respect me as master and “friend who feeds me” LOL. As long as I have his Healthy Bones in hand ready to treat, he’ll do anything I say now!

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