RALPH Speaks

You Think Tiger Is Scared of A Dog?

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Ralph Ava Head125Wb

Personally I don’t care about Tiger’s personal life.

If he and his ex-wife want to have a huge fight and get divorced – that’s his private thing.

It’s the Tiger on the course I care about.

I think he’s afraid of me.

I’ve been after him for years now.

Meet me on the golf course – just Tiger and me.

I’ll show him who the better golfer is.

I will confess, I play golf a little different then he does.

265Px Tiger Woods Drives By Allison

He hits the ball.

I chase it and bring it back.

I figure that since I’m waaay cuter than Tiger, I’ll fetch all the balls he hits and bring them back.

And when he gets upset, I’ll take my shot and not fetch my own ball.

I can’t miss.

But Tiger’s been avoiding me lately.

He thinks that because I’m going to run out and grab every putt and run away with the ball, he doesn’t have a chance.

He’s right.

He doesn’t.

I’ll do anything to get into the green jackets they give the winner at the Masters.

Tiger, I’m counting down the days until Augusta.

You’re mine.

It’s man against dog. And may the best dog win.

If you’re rooting for Tiger, go away. But if you think I should get a chance to face Tiger on my rules, click the LIKE button and I’ll send you lots of doggie love.

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