RALPH Speaks

Why Dogs Lick Their Butt

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Ralph Ava Head125Wb

I’ve been asked to write this by a woman who saw a dog parent scream, rant, and carry on because she saw her dog licking its butt.

Nice job there lady.

I’m sure all your yelling helped your dog understand the situation and walk away saying:

“Oh, I get it. I’m disgusting.”

Probably your dog will never do it again, right?

So let me offer you three reasons why dogs lick their butt.

1. Our anal glands are swollen. From time to time, some dogs need to have their anal glands expressed at the Vet. If this doesn’t happen, it itches terribly and so we lick ourselves to relieve the itching. As you can guess, yelling is really not going to work here. You might want to take us to the Vet. If you’re too cheap and you don’t like us licking ourselves, feel free to do it yourself. We won’t object.

2. We want to clean ourselves. Sometime, if you don’t groom us properly, our poop gets caught on our fur. We are naturally clean animals and we don’t like it when we get poop on ourselves. So we are cleaning ourselves off. Remember, cleanliness is next to puppiness. So screaming at us not to clean ourselves is really going to help…NOT.

3. It’s hard to hold toilet paper in our paws. Have you ever noticed that no one makes toilet paper for dogs? If they did, we’d take care of it. But sometimes, just like human puppies, we need a little helping love from our dog parents.

Now those are three reasons why dogs lick their butt.

And since we are talking, let’s turn the tables.

Your dog has an exquisite sense of smell.

It can detect things you can’t.

And lady, your dog smells YOU and loves you anyway.

And one of the things it smells is the railroad tracks inside YOUR undies.

It kind of grosses us out but we aren’t picky.

God sent us to you to share unlimited love.

But as long as you’re being picky.

Would you mind changing every day?

Don’t mess with dogs.

By the way, this was a real response to a real situation.

If you’d like Ralph to step in, feel free to email me at ralph AT dogingtonpost.com

But remember, I call it as I smell it.

If you think dog parents should love their dogs unconditionally, please click the like button on Facebook.

It should really be the lick button!

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  1. Avatar Of Cynthia Hurry

    Cynthia Hurry


    So scolding ur dog is maltreatment?? Ridiculous.

  2. Avatar Of Kandi



    I take my dog to the vet regularly, they say he is healthy. But because he is small(/certain breed/ rescue) they drain his anal gland about every 6 to 8 weeks. Yet daily it's this licking thing! I mean it comes in waves! No licking for a week and then…a slobber fest off butt juice every five minutes! I don't know what to do to help!!??

  3. Avatar Of Zeeshan



    Im sorry but that just made me sick. Dogs must get fecal matter into there mouths. Thats disgusting! With the same mouth they lick everywhere, drop spit and pass germs everywhere.

    I dont mean to offend dog lovers. Id like a dog, but after reading that ill keep in outside at all times.

  4. Avatar Of Rick Boynton

    Rick Boynton


    After switching my Maltipoo to a raw diet, she frequently turns and sniffs and sometimes chomps at her butt. She had an anal expression about 10 days ago, same time I started transitioning her to raw diet. Anyone know why?

    • Avatar Of Jo




      I’ve been searching for the answer to the same question since end 2014. A week after switching to raw my Sheltie started licking at 7/8 o’clock region around bum hole, and also the right side of where his tail joins the body. This is sporadic and regardless what I do (change protein, deworm, anti-flea, colloidal silver) – it also happens even after a good bowel movement. If anyone has an answer or a suggestion regarding this, please share!

    • Avatar Of Jo



      I thought I pressed ‘post comment’, but here goes again:


      I’ve been searching for the answer to the same question since end 2014. A week after switching to raw my Sheltie started licking at 7/8 o’clock region around bum hole, and also the right side of where his tail joins the body. This is sporadic and regardless what I do (change protein, deworm, anti-flea, colloidal silver) – it also happens even after a good bowel movement. If anyone has an answer or a suggestion regarding this, please share!

  5. Avatar Of Christine christine says:

    My dog is itching and scooting. Took him to the vet who examined and said that will clear him but he is still doing it. Not excessively. Should I take him back to the vet?

  6. Avatar Of Mari



    I feel you forgot one very important reason why they do this. Also, Their food, Or people foods, can cause irritating problems. Iching , and burning.
    A vet can take care of their glands. But ask your groomer too, it may be cheered. This should be done at least every 3 months.

  7. Avatar Of Aaliyah



    Thanks! 🙂

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